Beach and Sand Sculpture

Beautiful Beach always attracts everyone with their natural beauty and calmness. 

Making Sand castle on a beautiful beach is a real fun. 

People across the world visit thousands of beaches.

There are different types of beaches across the world. Some beaches are Sandy, some have pebbles or Boulders.

Here are different types of beaches for your reference -

1) Sandy Beaches - Most common, popular among tourists and Home for most marine creatures. These are crowded ones.

2) Pebble Beaches - Beaches full of pebbles, popular among pebble collectors. Pebbles stop backwash erosion. Less crowded and not so popular.

3) Boulder Beaches - Boulders covering the shores. Some boulders gets deposited due to volcanic eruptions. Less crowded and dangerous sometimes.

4) Shell Beaches - Fully covered by shells, deposited on shore by waves. People hunt for beautiful sea shells and decorate their homes or offices.

5) Glass Beaches - Full of sea glass, created due to years of dumping garbage on coastline. Thousands of tourists visit these beaches.
Sand Sculptures

Artists model sand into different forms, Sand Art is composed of sand brushing, sand sculpture and sand painting.

Sandcastle is a form of sand sculpture resembling a small building. Almost each of us have tried building a home or castle from sand. 

Sandcastles are made from sand and water, sands containing clay makes better sand sculpture. Often named as dirty sand, irregular shaped sands having little clay in it are preferred to make sandcastles. 

Nowadays, as an art form sand sculpting is quite popular. Thousands of competitions are organised across the world. 

You can make an Idol, bridge, building from sand. Try them on your next visit to shoreside and share your story in comments section. 


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